Are you interested in supporting social and environmental justice work on campus and in the community? OPIRG Guelph is looking for students and community members to join our Board! What are the OPIRG Board Elections/Nominations? As a non-profit organizationContinue reading… OPIRG Board Nominations and Elections- 2019!
2019 ELECTIONS ORGANIZER aka Chief Returning Officer (CRO) Timeline: Election related work takes place from March 7th until the end of March 2019 Contract: $500 for up to a maximum of thirty (30) hours of work Deadline for Application: @Continue reading… JOB POSTING- OPIRG IS HIRING CHIEF RETURNING OFFICER 2019
OPIRG is closed today
the office will be closed today, Monday Feb. 11 as staff take a break after the weekend’s symposium. back tomorrow!
Volunteers needed for our Symposium Feb. 9 and 10
“THE FIGHT AGAINST FORD: Resisting the Tory Attack” is just two weeks away! We’re looking for volunteers to help promote and run the Symposium, so if you can give a couple of hours of your time over the weekend we’dContinue reading… Volunteers needed for our Symposium Feb. 9 and 10
The Symposium organizing committee is thrilled to announce our keynote speaker: John Clarke from the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
John Clarke became active in anti-poverty struggles when he helped to found the Union of Unemployed Workers in London, Ontario in 1983. In 1990, he moved to Toronto to become an organizer with the newly formed Ontario Coalition Against PovertyContinue reading… The Symposium organizing committee is thrilled to announce our keynote speaker: John Clarke from the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty