June 16 workshop! Self Care for Advocates in Vulnerable Sectors (Summer Institute 2016 #2)

GRCGED and OPIRG Guelph invite you to the second workshop of the 2016 Summer Institute:Self Care for Advocates in Vulnerable Sectors Thursday June 16, 5:30-8:30pm University Centre (UC) 441, U of G campus https://www.facebook.com/events/591083444394550/Workers and activists in the vulnerable sectorsContinue reading… June 16 workshop! Self Care for Advocates in Vulnerable Sectors (Summer Institute 2016 #2)

THURSDAY MAY 26! Info Night: Grassy Narrows, Resistance, River Run 2016

Thursday May 26, 5:30-7:30 10 Carden (10 Carden St., downtown Guelph)  FB:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1715550058716236/ Come learn about the history of Grassy Narrows’ struggle for justice, about decolonization and about ways you can support River Run and engage in solidarity with theContinue reading… THURSDAY MAY 26! Info Night: Grassy Narrows, Resistance, River Run 2016