MAR. 3! “RESISTENCIA: The Fight for the Aguan Valley” – Movies That Matter #3

OPIRG-Guelph and Students for Justice: Local Responsibility and Allyship present: ‘Resistencia: The Fight for the Aguan Valley’ Wednesday March 2nd, 6:30-9pm in MacKinnon 308, University of Guelph “A film that speaks truth to power, projecting the front-line struggles of communities inContinue reading… MAR. 3! “RESISTENCIA: The Fight for the Aguan Valley” – Movies That Matter #3

Nov. 4 – WORKSHOP – For the Long Haul: Care, Intention, and Steadiness in Radical Organizing

Wednesday Nov. 4th, 6:00pm-9:00pm MacKinnon (MCKN) 233, U of G campus -Workshop facilitated by Chris Dixon-   Radical activists and organizers across North America face many similar challenges as we work to build movements capable of transforming the world: HowContinue reading… Nov. 4 – WORKSHOP – For the Long Haul: Care, Intention, and Steadiness in Radical Organizing