Dawn Janelle Gugler (1969-1996) Dawn was a volunteer, member of OPIRG’s Guelph’s Forestry Working group and served as a member of our Board of Directors from November 1993 to November 1995. Some highlights of her work were the establishment ofContinue reading… Dawn Gugler Activist Training Award – ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS until March 20th, 5:00pm
OPIRG Guelph is hiring an Elections Organizer (CRO) – Deadline Feb. 24th at 9pm
2023 ELECTIONS ORGANIZER aka Chief Returning Officer (CRO) Timeline: Election related work begins on March 1st and must be finished by April 5th. Contract: $600 for up to a maximum of thirty (30) hours of work Application deadline: @ 9:00 pm onContinue reading… OPIRG Guelph is hiring an Elections Organizer (CRO) – Deadline Feb. 24th at 9pm
We are closed for Reading Week
OPIRG is now closed for the Winter Break. Staff are working remotely and will be back in the office on Tuesday February 28th at 10am.
We’re Hiring! One Work Study position for Winter 2023
Are you a University of Guelph student in the Work Study program? Do you care about social and environmental justice? Do you love books and history? We are looking to hire an Assistant Coordinator (Library and Archives) for the WinterContinue reading… We’re Hiring! One Work Study position for Winter 2023
Office Closure – Winter Break
The OPIRG office is now closed for the Winter Break. We re-open on Tuesday January 10th. Staff are working remotely until December 17th, and are available to come to campus as needed. Please email organizational@opirgguelph.org if you need to accessContinue reading… Office Closure – Winter Break