Here are the Candidate Profiles for the four nominees for the OPIRG Guelph Board of Directors. The election will happen at our Annual General Meeting, on February 26th at 6:30pm (online). There are more than enough vacant seats,Continue reading… 2025 Board of Directors Candidate Profiles
Category: Uncategorized
June 29 WORKSHOP! This Party is Bullshit: Nationalism, Colonialism, and Canada 150
Thursday June 29, 6-9pm University Centre (UC) room 441, University of Guelph As the Canadian state rolls out the red carpet and drops massive sums of cash to celebrate its 150th birthday it is more important than ever to bothContinue reading… June 29 WORKSHOP! This Party is Bullshit: Nationalism, Colonialism, and Canada 150
June 26 WORKSHOP! Don’t Just Stand There: Bystander Intervention
Monday June 26, 6-9pm University Centre (UC) room 334, University of Guelph Do you want more skills for how to respond when sketchy things are happening at a party, at work, or on the bus? If your co-workerContinue reading… June 26 WORKSHOP! Don’t Just Stand There: Bystander Intervention
June 22 PANEL. Standing Rock to Six Nations: Land Defense Across Turtle Island
Thursday June 22, 6-8:30pm University Centre (UC) room 441, U of G Join Guelph Anti Pipeline for a panel that will explore land defense movements and efforts across Turtle Island and how to act in solidarity with them.Continue reading… June 22 PANEL. Standing Rock to Six Nations: Land Defense Across Turtle Island
June 19 WORKSHOP: Re-Examining Allyship with Aboriginal People and Communities
Monday June 19, 6-9pm University Centre (UC) room 334, U of G By re-examining allyship, this workshop asks participants to reflect, question and identify their positionality and their responsibilities as an ally in reciprocal and meaningful relationships withContinue reading… June 19 WORKSHOP: Re-Examining Allyship with Aboriginal People and Communities