If you want to vote at OPIRG Guelph’s AGM next Wednesday Feb. 26, remember to: 1. make sure your membership is current before Feb. 19th at 6pm 2. register for the meeting before Feb. 21st at noon All the informationContinue reading… Two important deadlines for anyone wanting to vote at our AGM: Feb. 19, 6pm and Feb. 21, noon
Category: News
OPIRG office closed for Winter Break
The OPIRG office is closed from February 14th to February 24th, and will reopen February 25th. Staff are working from home and can be reached by email. Wishing everyone a safe and productive Reading Week!
U of G is closed today because of all this snow. OPIRG staff are working from home if you need us (but you should probably go play outside). Updates at https://news.uoguelph.ca/
Annual General Meeting & Board Elections, February 26th at 6:30pm
Please join OPIRG Guelph for a look back at our 2023-2024 year! At the Annual General Meeting we will: Present our Annual Action Report Present our Audit and answer your questions about our finances Elect our Board of DirectorsContinue reading… Annual General Meeting & Board Elections, February 26th at 6:30pm
We are closed for the Winter Break!
The OPIRG office is now closed for the winter break and will re-open on January 7th at 10am. You can reach mandy over email (organizational@opirgguelph.org) until December 20th. If you need to access the office before then we can tryContinue reading… We are closed for the Winter Break!