Thursday November 17, 10am-5pm MacKinnon foyer, U of G campus Facebook: Come check out a wide selection of books and other media from small independent publishers that focus on social and environmental justice issues!
Author: Volunteer Coordinator
NOV. 17 – Guelph Launch of “BLOC BY BLOC: The Insurrection Game”
Thursday November 17, 6:30-10:00pm University Centre (UC) 442 Are you tired of playing board games that promote colonialism, imperialism and capitalist empire-building? Join us as we launch “Bloc by Bloc”, a revolutionary new board game from “Out ofContinue reading… NOV. 17 – Guelph Launch of “BLOC BY BLOC: The Insurrection Game”
Nov. 15! Film and info night: “Blockadia Rising” and “Directly Affected”
LAND DEFENSE & INDIGENOUS SOLIDARITY Film and info night #2 Join us to watch some films, learn about two important Indigenous land defense struggles happening right now, and discuss the upcoming decision on the Kinder Morgan pipeline and whatContinue reading… Nov. 15! Film and info night: “Blockadia Rising” and “Directly Affected”
Nov. 12 – Guelph Concert for Standing Rock and Chippewas of the Thames
Saturday November 12, 8pm – 1am Red Papaya Thai and Grill, Québec St. Mall (55 Wyndham Street North) Join us in raising money and information sharing about two different important and precedent setting acts of Indigenous resistance happeningContinue reading… Nov. 12 – Guelph Concert for Standing Rock and Chippewas of the Thames
Nov. 10! Film and info night: “Fractured Land”
LAND DEFENSE & INDIGENOUS SOLIDARITY Film and info night #1 Brought to you by OPIRG-Guelph Where: MacKinnon 227, University of Guelph When: Thursday November 10, 6:00 pm Facebook: Fundraiser and Info Night – Chippewas of the Thames’ Supreme Court fightContinue reading… Nov. 10! Film and info night: “Fractured Land”