Rebel Knowledge 2018 is rapidly approaching. Taking place February 9th to 11th, this year’s theme is ‘Interlocking Struggles’. For more information about the symposium, you can check out the website: This event is a huge undertaking and to makeContinue reading… VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Rebel Knowledge, Feb. 9 to 11
Author: Volunteer Coordinator
It’s that time of year already! The OPIRG Guelph Winter Office Closure is upon us. Starting on 4 December until 8 January our office will be closed (that means that our last day of regular office hours is Thursday November 30). This doesn’t mean we’veContinue reading… WINTER OFFICE CLOSURE
State of Control: Canadian Prison and Immigration Systems
Sunday June 25, 2:30-4:30PM The Making-Box (43 Cork St. East, Guelph) Facebook: This panel will explore the ways in which immigration and prison systems target racialized bodies as a perpetuation of white supremacy within stateContinue reading… State of Control: Canadian Prison and Immigration Systems
July 11 WORKSHOP: Self Care Tools for Activists
Monday July 11, 6-9pm University Centre (UC) room 441, University of Guelph This workshop will focus on why self care is so important to radical organizing. We will explore physical stretching, breathing techniques, mindfulness and meditation as tools toContinue reading… July 11 WORKSHOP: Self Care Tools for Activists
July 10 WORKSHOP: Calling In and Resolving Conflict in Activist Communities
Monday July 10, 6-9pm University Centre (UC) room 441, University of Guelph Anti-oppression work must reside in a framework that is accessible, restorative and sustainable over time and space. This workshop will focus on practical ways to apply anContinue reading… July 10 WORKSHOP: Calling In and Resolving Conflict in Activist Communities