Are you interested in supporting social and environmental justice work on campus and in the community? Consider joining OPIRG Guelph’s Board! What are the OPIRG Board Elections/Nominations? • As a non-profit organization OPIRG is directed by a group of studentContinue reading… Join our Board of Directors! Nomination period ends March 22nd at 6pm.
Author: Volunteer Coordinator
OPIRG is hiring two Events and Programming Assistants (Work Study)
Are you a student who cares about social and environmental justice? Are you looking for work during the winter semester? Position Title: Events and Programming Assistant (#84578) Start Date: January 25th, 2021 End Date: April 2nd, 2021 Hours: 100 hoursContinue reading… OPIRG is hiring two Events and Programming Assistants (Work Study)
CANCELED: Board elections and AGM
Dear OPIRG Guelph members and friends, In compliance with physical distancing and social solidarity measures, the OPIRG Guelph Board of Directors has postponed this year’s Board elections and Annual General Meeting until further notice. We acknowledge that our bylaws requireContinue reading… CANCELED: Board elections and AGM
On hold…
Friends! The OPIRG office is closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and there will be no new RadiOPIRG episodes until further notice. Take care of yourselves and each other please, and if you’re looking for or offering help, check outContinue reading… On hold…
The OPIRG office will open a little late today, at 11am, because we’re tabling at Clubs Days! Come visit us in the UC, today only 🙂