Speed River Project’s Wolfond Park Maintenance Saturday 9 am-noon July 4th 2015

Park Maintenance and Removal of Invasive Species!

Saturday Morning 9 am-noon  July 4th 2015

Wolfond Park, Arthur Street North Guelph

East Bank of Speed River

It’s important to care for our babies from previous plantings!  Please join us for some mulching, weeding, watering and re-tagging and removal of invasive species.  We can continue our dialogue about our river systems, and various ways to improve the quality of water for ourselves and our downstream communities.

This is a fun, family friendly event!

Refreshments will be served!

For more information please give OPIRG a call at (519) 824 2091, or email kiran  at speedriver@opirgguelph.org
See you at park on  this Saturday!.