People’s History Project

Peoples' History Project Guelph text on red square with black border.

The People’s History Project (PHP) aims to gather first-hand interviews and documents related to social movements in Guelph, and to create a well-organized, public archive. The PHP aims to preserve the stories, experiences, and histories surrounding the Guelph community’s important role in the broader social movements of our time and in local struggles which have captured past imagination.

This archive aims to be a place an emphasis on documenting the first-hand experience of participants in grassroots social movements. As well, it will preserve a collection of relevant newspaper articles, placards, posters, handbills, and other surviving materials.

For us, PHP represents an opportunity to preserve knowledges and understandings found on campus and within the broader Guelph community of major events, projects, and programs which have shaped—from below—social movements in Guelph and impacted the lives of members of our communities. Beyond this, however, there is continuing possibility of learning from these past experiences and coming to understand how Guelph’s grassroots movements and moments still resonate today.

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