RADICAL READS is your reading group at the University of Guelph! We’re is focused on zines and smaller articles–so that students and community members already with deep reading lists can take a dive into interesting discussion topics without feeling like this is another course or big project. As well, our general set of topics are towards things you may not find in the classroom or in general conversation–topics that are, well, radical!
Discussion at RADICAL READS will be casual, but follow the mandate and anti-oppressive ideals of OPIRG Guelph.
Possible Topics for Radical Reads
- Indigeneity / Indigenous Sovereignty
- Anarchism and Communism
- Alternative Education
- Prison Industrial Complex
- Military Industrial Complex
- Food Justice and Security
- Environmental Racism
Where does RADICAL READS take place?
Our reading group takes place at 24 Trent Lane, at the OPIRG Radical Resource Library, starting at 5:00 PM on the first and third Thursday of every month!
Do you have accessibility or child care needs?
Email Brad (organizational@opirgguelph.org)
Cultural Appreciation,,, or Cultural Appropriation? | Native Resistance Network | 3 November 2016 | http://www.aihfs.org/pdf/8-1-16%20Cultural%20Appropriation.pdf |
Decolonizing Together: Moving Beyond A Politics of Solidarity; Towards a Practice of Decolonization | Harsha Walia | 3 November 2016 | https://briarpatchmagazine.com/articles/view/decolonizing-together |
Fuck Your Racist Prisons, Fuck Your Racist Nation: Immigration Detention And The Prison-Industrial Complex | EPIC | 17 November 2016 | http://epic.noblogs.org/files/2013/06/KIHC.pdf |
Fascism & Anti-Fascism | Don Hamerquist | 19 January 2017 | http://www.kersplebedeb.com/mystuff/books/fascism/fashantifash.php |
The Shock of Recognition: Response to Hamerquist’s ‘Fascism and Anti-Fascism | J. Sakai | 19 January 2017 | http://www.kersplebedeb.com/mystuff/books/fascism/shock.html |
On ‘Fascism and Anti-Fascism’: A Review of Don Hamerquist’s Essay | Bring the Ruckus | 19 January 2017 | http://www.bringtheruckus.org/?q=node%2F63 |