
Funding Grants

We provide funding for initiatives that are in line with our mandate for social and environmental justice through the Funding Grants (formerly Co-sponsorships, Donations, and Requests) process.

To apply for a Funding Grant, you must complete the Funding Grant Request Form.

Funding Grant Form (docx format)

If you are granted funding, please send a brief statement about the impact of the monetary support for your event or organization to OPIRG Guelph.

For more information, email our Coordinator of Volunteer Programming & Community Engagement  at (

Dawn Gugler Activist Training Award

The Award was established early in 1997 in memory of Dawn Janelle Gugler, a volunteer and board member with OPIRG Guelph. It exists provide financial assistance to OPIRG-Guelph members or action groups in obtaining training or education in an area consistent with OPIRG Guelph’s Mandate. From the interest gained from the Award’s Trust, at least five hundred ($500) dollars per year will fund at least one (1) Dawn Gugler Activist Training Award each year.

For more information and to apply, see the Awards page of this website:


We also work with campus and community organizations to collaborate on programming and projects related to our mandate and mission. We can provide many resources to partnering organizations, such as:

  • Funding and Equipment Use (copying, button making, art supplies, computers, kitchen, library resources, etc.)
  • Support from staff Room bookings and table bookings at OPIRG Guelph, the University of Guelph, or at another location where OPIRG Guelph is a member (i.e. 10C.)
  • E-mail promotion and use of website space

Below is a sample Partnership Agreement, displayed in Google Docs Viewer:

For more information, email Mandy at (